TikTok Top Ten


Rebekah Froehlich, Editor-in-Chief

At this point, in February of 2020, there is no need to introduce TikTok. This top 10 list is in no particular order, and is probably not entirely accurate. The great thing about TikTok had to be that there is content for everyone. Adults are on TikTok, babies are on TikTok, there is cooking and dancing and no short supply of comedy. This list mostly consists of my favorite comedy pages, and I tried to keep it to unverified accounts as to hopefully provide some lesser known content that deserves recognition. However, my number one is verified because there is no other number one.   



This is the number one TikToker in the entire world no cap. If you don’t know Grant Beene, you need to look him up immediately. If you’ve been on TikTok for a while, you probably remember “It’s ya boy young metronome,” and that came from TikTok Bhadie. His friends Asaf and Frankie are also hilarious, but they will stay paired with Grant on this list as I’m sure many people have found them because of Grant. 



Ethan is definitely for a very specific humor and probably most girls (I will admit his jawline is noice). He went viral for “ayo New York check,” and he has been vlogging his life in NYC ever since. While some of his vlogs are similar, his commentary and daily woah will keep you entertained. 



While every video is mostly the same, each one is entirely different. Zoe works from home and has a pair of noise cancelling headphones, which she wears so she doesn’t have to hear herself sing. The audience however hears her beautiful melodies. However, the point of the videos is that her husband comes home and scares her everyday. She has explained that while she should be anticipating him by not, she doesn’t. 



Joshua Bowman is significantly underrated. You may have seen him on your for you page with dramatic readings of “This is for Rachel.” He is most famous for these types of videos where he takes popular TikTok sounds and acting them out in the best way. 



This girlfriend and boyfriend is the cutest pair. She is French and he is American and most of their videos consist of her not understanding the English language or American culture. Her makeup is on point in every video and he is the most romantic boyfriend – cuteness ensues. 



If you don’t know Morgan and her daily coffee antics, you’re missing out. You may have seen her on your for you page trying to make a tiny latte, which to my knowledge she has not yet accomplished, but I do not doubt her. She has informative content about coffee, but there is never a shortage of jokes about customer service. 



No short supply of comedy in Laura’s TikTok. She is one of many who takes universal thoughts and feelings and makes them hilarious. However, just because she is one of many does not mean she is forgettable. Her humor is unmatched and honestly, so is her aesthetic.  



As your local wearer of many hats, Amy gives THE BEST customer service content. She has had many jobs at places such as Sephora and restaurants, so the Karen stories are never in short supply. Her delivery compares to none and you can always feel the exact vibe of the situation. 



I first found Johnny on Twitter when his sister tweeted a video of him shaming her for not answering his call. He is not shy of drama and loves to make fun of tropes in film. His voice somehow adds to the quality and the faces he pulls could land him in any John Hughes movie. 



Christine serves Kombucha Girl energy, but more in the shadows. However, I have no idea why because she is just as funny if not funnier. My favorite videos of her include her teaching us how to do a messy bun, and realizing her neighbors are watching her while she dances. 


Honorable Mentions: 




