BFFs: Kali and Tiffany

September 24, 2020
How many years have you been BFFs?
Kali: Around 2 years.
Tiffany: 2 years.
How did you first meet?
Kali: We met about 2 years ago during band class.
Tiffany: We met in 7th grade band.
Did you click instantly, or did your connection grow over time?
Kali: We got closer over time.
Tiffany: We became closer over time.
What do you like most about each other?
Kali: I can be myself around her, and she’s a very cool-headed person.
Tiffany: She’s fun to be around, and I don’t get bored around her.
Typical Hangout:
Kali: I would have to say marching band.
Tiffany: We see each other the most at marching band.
Things you share:
Kali: We both play the flute.
Tiffany: We are both in the flute section in marching band.
Weird Habits:
Kali: She always brings foreign candy to football games.
Tiffany: When we are walking, she will sneak up on me and jump on me.
What are some things you both hate?
Kali: We both hate high notes on the flute and biology homework.
Tiffany: We both hate having our pictures taken when we don’t know they are being taken.