Letter from the Editor: Top Ten Electives

Mr. Hillegas instructs Pottery students, 2012
March 6, 2014
It’s that time of the year again, when underclassmen are bustling with excitement over their schedules for next year. Though I will never again open a North Hills curriculum booklet or lobby Mrs. White for a schedule change, I saw this as an opportunity to offer counsel to the youth of North Hills. As we all know, elective selection is the difference between an enjoyable year and an arduous nine months. Here is the list of the Top Ten Electives that North Hills has to offer:
What is your favorite elective?
- Graphics (17%, 25 Votes)
- Journalism (15%, 22 Votes)
- Sports & Rec (13%, 18 Votes)
- Law & Justice (10%, 14 Votes)
- TV Production (9%, 13 Votes)
- Child Development (8%, 12 Votes)
- Foods (7%, 10 Votes)
- Band (7%, 10 Votes)
- Argumentation (6%, 8 Votes)
- Pottery (6%, 8 Votes)
- Language Enrichment (2%, 3 Votes)
- Transportation & Vehicle Design (1%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 144

1. Graphic Design
Teacher: Mr. Bosley and Mr. Meininger
In this class, you will learn valuable image manipulation and creation techniques on Adobe Illustrator, allowing for unhampered creativity and self-expression. Also, unlimited tee-shirts.
2. Law and Justice
Teacher: Mr. Lisak
Probably the most interesting elective. It covers the basics of law, taking pit stops at the most interesting parts of the American legal system: serial killers, odd criminal defenses, and OJ Simpson.
3. Sports and Recreation
Teacher: Mr. Kasperowicz, Mr. Dervanik, Mrs. Flynn, Mr. Carey, and Mr. Jones
I may be biased, being the athlete that I am (I lettered in 9th grade football once), but getting a half-credit in return for playing volleyball is a good deal.
4. TV Production
Teacher: Mr. Bellissimo
North Hills likely has one of the best, most technologically advanced TV Departments in Western PA. This class allows you to work behind and in front of the camera, as well as in video post-production.
5. Transportation and Vehicle Design
Teacher: Mr. Cassandro
Two of the projects for this class include building a boat and sailing it in the pool and building a car that you can race down the hilltop. I earnestly regret not taking this class.
6. Pottery
Teacher: Mr. Hillegas
Word on the street is Mr. Hillegas can throw a pot using only his bare feet. That’s worth the price of admission in itself.
7. Gourmet Foods
Teacher: Mrs. Medic
You make food and then you eat it.
8. Child Development
Teacher: Miss Ziff
This class gives you experience working with children (ages 3 to 5), all under the supervision of the incomparable Miss Ziff.
9. CHS Argumentation
Teacher: Mr. Kane
Argumentation allows you to hone in on your debate skills. The CHS program allows you to earn college credit, all while learning how to outsmart your friends and political adversaries.
10. Band
Teacher: Mr. Lavelle
Band is definitely not for everyone. However, the North Hills Band is larger right now than it has ever been. If an elective can garner such a cult-like base, it is obviously doing something right.
Honorable Mention: Language Enrichment
This class will serve 180 students next year, making it the largest elective class in the district.
Disclaimer: I would put Journalism (taught by Ms. Kunselman) down for numbers one to ten if I could, but that level of bias would cheapen this entire article. I have chosen to leave it off of the list, but I couldn’t recommend this elective highly enough.