Many see the winter as a bleak, cold time devoid of life. While that might not be false, there are still animals milling about. In the winter their behavior does change, but they are still around. In the winter, many birds don’t migrate. One or two from each flock will end up staying behind. These birds will join together to form mixed flocks. They do this to deter predators and share warmth. These mixed flocks often are larger than a standard single species flock, but there are less flocks per area.
Most of these flocks are “tree hoppers.” These flocks, led by chickadees, stay in treetops and hop between the trees. Each of these flocks has about twelve chickadees. These flocks also have nuthatches, brown creepers, titmice, kinglets, some woodpeckers and warblers in them, all of whom are relatively small birds. These flocks can have over a dozen of these miscellaneous birds but will always have a “core” of chickadees. A big part of these flocks’ food comes from bird feeders. While they never stay in one place long, if they determine your feeder safe they will return frequently. This can be a great way to get to see these mixed flocks in person.
In a time of little sunlight and freezing temperature it can be hard to remember that life still exists. These flocks aren’t the only animals still being just as busy as in the summer. Just because the cold freezes the water doesn’t mean it has to freeze our lives!