Are you single? If so, no judgement. Many single individuals most likely despise Valentine’s Day. I don’t blame you if you do. It’s a day for your partner to show their love for you. Luckily, I have an amazing mother who has always given me flowers on Valentine’s Day. It may not be from a crush but at least it’s something. I completely understand how you can feel as if you’re missing out on something if you don’t have a partner, but here are some ways I would spend my Valentine’s Day as a single lady.
The first thing I’d be doing on Valentine’s Day is hopping in the car and going to a cute coffee shop of my choice and my choice only. At this coffee shop I’d order whatever I want without even thinking about the price I’m about to pay. Many women would have a man paying for their order but I’ll be reminded how hard I worked for my money with every sip of coffee I take. My order will also come out faster because there’s only one coffee in my order instead of two. If you’re sad on Valentine’s Day remember there’s always a cute coffee shop waiting for you. You may run into a couple groups of couples while you’re there but just ignore them.
My next activity would be hopping back in the car and going to get my nails done. I will pick a color that I want to get and no man will be giving me color suggestions. My opinion will be the only opinion towards my decision for a color. As well as the shape I pick. Even though I will be paying for my nails, at least I’ll be able to acknowledge the fact that my dedication to work is the reason I have my nails done. All thanks to me and my independence my nails will be looking beautiful.
Valentine’s Day doesn’t necessarily mean that you should sit in bed with a box of chocolate, if you want to, that’s perfectly fine and understandable. There are activities and places to go that would cheer you up, and you may even have a better time alone than you would with a partner. Don’t feel down because you don’t have someone to share your time with, instead wait for them. If you’re meant to be with someone, they will find you. Take yourself out on a date in the meantime!