A Day in the Life of a Quarantined NH Sophomore


Brandon McEwen, Sports

As we all know, being in quarantine produces many choices that have to be made throughout the day. Some are productive, and some… not at all. Personally, I dislike being productive the entire day, but when I am, I try to get as much done as possible.

So first off, I wake up in the morning around noon. Setting my alarm at noon gives me some reassurance that I have gotten a solid 10 hours of sleep. Then, as I go downstairs to make some breakfast, I say “hi” to my parents as they judge me going into the kitchen for starting my day so late. I proceed to crack three eggs, slice some salami, sprinkle some cheese, and make an omelet. After this, I down two cups of water and eat Halos from one of the greatest stores on earth, Sam’s Club. After breakfast, I spend the next hour or two on TikTok and somehow it’s 3pm already. At this point I can choose to start my school day or eat lunch. Food always wins. Chicken and cheese quesadillas are always the move. So now it’s 3:30pm, and I convince myself to start my school work. I knock off the harder stuff first, and then I go do something active because at this point I feel pretty lazy. I either go to Ross to play soccer, go for a run, go to Valley Brook to play tennis, or take a nap, since there’s nowhere else to go or much else to do. I get done with the active part of my day around 5 or 6pm. I don’t really know what goes on in the next few hours, but it goes by pretty fast because it’s already 8pm. Now it’s time for dinner. My mom doesn’t make too many different dinners, but I can usually expect some variation of chicken. Once dinner is over, I do my chores like cleaning up after dinner, laundry, and taking out the garbage. After these boring tasks, I waste some time and realize I should probably finish my school work. I dread this time, but I don’t want to be behind. Finally, I get to the relaxing or fun part of my day: the night time. The McEwen basement is always a great place to be from 11pm to around 2am. At this point, I miss my bed, so I make the walk up the stairs and fall into bed. I realize that this whole pandemic kind of sucks since I can’t see anyone, but the huge increase in sleep definitely helps.