The Dreamcatchers and ARROW to make their debuts in the North Hills choral program this year

Joe Kelly, Features

Two new groups will be added to the repertoire of choral ensembles at the Hilltop this year. The North Hills Choral Program, led by Mr. Shaun Cloonan, will add the Dreamcatchers and Arrow to the mix of the already introduced Symphonic Choir, Women’s Choir, and the famously infamous North Hills Singers.

According to the Choral Music Website, “The Dreamcatchers are an auditioned, select vocal ensemble from the North Hills High School Choirs. The 28 member choir will meet for one hour each week after school on Thursday, and will be featured on 1 to 2 songs during High School Concerts.”

Members of the Dreamcatchers Ensemble are comprised from both the Women’s and Symphonic Choirs but there are no members from the North Hills Singers. Ensembles consist of students from all grade levels, from freshmen to seniors.

Also found on the website, “ The ARROW Men’s Vocal Ensemble is open to any singer who wishes to sing in an all-male ensemble. The group will meet 2-3 times per month on Wednesdays after school for an hour, and will be featured in 1 song at Choral performances.”

When asked to reflect on what to expect the coming year in Dreamcatchers, Senior Soprano II, Clare Davis who is completely new to he choral program said, “ I hope we get a lot of performance opportunities to showcase our voices. And I hope that we all have fun and become friends because I don’t know anyone.”

Mr. Cloonan, the high school choral director, explained his reasoning behind creating the groups by saying,  “It’s been bothering me that the Women’s Choir wasn’t able to audition for a select ensemble until 11th Grade. I thought that wasn’t fair that the boys could audition right form the start, and I thought I should give the girls an opportunity to audition, and Dreamcatchers was the result of that.

Further explaining the men’s group, he says, “ARROW was made per the request of the guys as they would run off during practice and sing together anyway. So, I thought that the only way to create more practice time for other groups is to create another group altogether and give them opportunities to perform.”

Clare describes her most enjoyable part of choir saying that, “I enjoy choir because it is a place where you can be completely yourself, and everyone genuinely wants to sing. And I didn’t expect that because when I was younger, I took choir because I had to, and that is not the case in High School.”

After being asked about the new groups performance opportunities Cloonan says, “I don’t know! These groups may end up doing so well that they might end up competing during our trips in the future, just like the other Choirs do.”


The Choir’s Schedule of Events is as follows:

October 19th: High School Choirs Join the High School Band Ensembles at their Concert

October 20th: Dreamcatchers First Performance at School Board Meeting

December 4th: Dreamcatchers, ARROW, and the North Hills Singers perform at the Barnes and Noble Book Fair in the Water Works Plaza.

December 10th: Choir’s Madrigal Dinner

December 21st: High School Choirs’ Winter Concert

March 3rd: North Hills Choirs’ Cabaret Night

May 5th: Art’s Alive

May 11th: North Hills Choirs’ Spring Concert

