Positions on The Arrowhead Staff Available!

February 4, 2015
Jake Heinauer, Editor-In-Chief- This is my third year taking journalism with Ms. Kunselman, and C241 has seemingly become home base for myself and all other students in journalism 2. The reason is simple; journalism is easily one of the most rewarding electives a North Hills student can take.
As Editor-In-Chief I highly recommend this elective for the simple joy that is putting together The Arrowhead, dealing with highly stressful deadlines, and then watching students flip through The Arrowhead and actually enjoy the fruits of our labor.
On top of that journalism is a workshop based class, and instead of sitting and taking notes before a project Journalism students get the benefit of working hands on and accomplishing article after article. I believe most students would not only benefit, but enjoy, working with other students, teachers, and clubs to create a highly anticipated issue. However, perhaps the best part of journalism is the ability to utilize individual interests to benefit the whole. Whether the interest be sports, fashion, or nutrition, any student can find a way to bring their interests in front of the school and hopefully inspire others with their writing.
My hope is that both the journalism classes and The Arrowhead continues to grow through the interests and maturity of its writers, and eventually help these students to improve their communication skills. If any of this sounds appealing, I urge you to schedule Journalism 1, 2, or 3 for the 2015-2016 school year, and I promise you will not find it to be a mistake.
Tyler Ray, Sports Editor- I have always been intrigued by the field of law and I thought that was what I wanted to do, but through The Arrowhead I have found journalism to be very exciting and rewarding. In addition to journalism 1, I take Television Production and have gotten to further my interests in multiple fields of journalism, whereas both the broadcast and printed mediums benefit each other. Now that I take both of these classes, I am very interested in the field of broadcast journalism. But through the additional skills I have improved on in journalism I feel more comfortable writing, and I would recommend anyone with a slight interest in either field to take both classes, and discover whether journalism is the right field for you.
Andrew Feltz, Opinions Editor- I took Journalism 1 because I enjoyed reading the past sports section in the newspaper and thought that it would be fun to contribute. Through taking Journalism 1, I have joined The Arrowhead Staff, and have been given the opportunity to communicate ideas with both the staff and the school. The great experience I have had with the newspaper, the Editors and the Staff Writers, is causing me to consider taking my journalism career past North Hills High School. I would encourage other students to take Journalism 1 and 2 because it is a great opportunity to explore a field that communicates to, and is relevant in, the real world.
Gigi • Apr 12, 2015 at 8:42 pm
I LOVE this video more and more every time I watch it!!! Love the music!