Diversity Council supports bullying prevention
Diversity Council seniors Imani Patterson, Angela Laurent, Janelle Thompson, and club sponsor Mrs. Davis showing off their orange.
November 5, 2014
The Diversity Council encouraged students and faculty to wear orange on Wednesday, October 29 in support of bullying prevention.
To promote their anti-bullying message, Diversity Club members had a table set up at lunch to get students to sign a pledge to stop bullying. The names were added to the wall to physically show students the number of peers that see bullying as a problem and vow to help it stop.The club also hung orange signs with bullying statistics around the school to share with students facts about the current reality of bullying.
Club sponsor Mrs. Davis explains why bullying is still an issue that needs to be addressed: “I think many people think of bullying as an elementary issue, but in high school it turns into bullying on social media rather than what you would see on the playground. It is important to see kids think it’s wrong, too.” This is one of the first steps the Diversity Council is taking to promote tolerance and respect throughout our school.